
Electric hoist chain replacement judge

       Frequent use of  Wire rope hoist  lifting goods chain wear most frequently, so after work in the use of electric hoist hoist want to conduct a comprehensive inspection, especially the chain part, need to pay attention to daily maintenance, will not be guaranteed hoist life.
Explain the electric hoist  load chain  scrapped and replaced by:
1, chain and monocyclic permanent elongation shall not exceed 5% of the original length.
2, bend from the main ring plane, counting the main ring twisted more than 10 degrees should be scrapped.
3, the chain hoist must not exceed permissible wear value chain ring diameter of the bar or 10% of the thickness of assistive devices.
4, lifting any part of the chain of cracks, bends or distortions between the hinge and the ring stuck or stiff astringent entrapment phenomenon and can not be excluded prohibited.

