
Chain Block buying tips

       When it comes to  Chain Block  machinery industry people are familiar with, it is a portable, easy to use  hoist equipment   For small equipment and goods lifting a short distance, the weight is generally not more than 100T. Said more simply, manual hoist is a labor-saving tool.
Chain Blocks hands by pulling the chain, bracelet wheel rotation, the friction plate ratchet, brake pressure into one common rotation axis will rotate sprocket teeth, tooth stub shaft and spline hole gears. Thus, the device is splined sprocket holes on the lifting gear driven lifting chains, heavy lifting so smoothly.
        So in the purchase Chain Blocks, it should pay attention to what points in order to make you buy manual hoist easy to use, durable it
        1, according to their own needs to choose the right size Chain Blocks to choose the right specifications. Is a large non-standard small size means nothing more than your needs, small to die. Because this thing with the car on the road, can not be overloaded.
        2, to be optimistic about the nose casing for cracks. Because during use,manual hoists chassis very easy due to collision, falling and rupture.
        3, to check the chain is intact, the length is correct. And buy a few times when they repeatedly pull hand chain, check the chain is slipping.
        4, see the material, more durable chain is 80, preferably manganese steel hook.
        4, check the packaging and certificate  manual hoist .

