
The use of electric hoist is a skill to speak of

Speaking of electric lift hoist  many people may not know that this is what the object, it is mainly used for simple upgrade, led moving, loading and unloading heavy use, usually in the construction and installation company, factories civil engineering and bridge construction, electric power, shipbuilding, automobile manufacturing, construction, bridges, metallurgy and other fields, you can see its shadow. Of course, as lifting equipment, improve the safety and efficiency of use is the most important, the use of electric hoist is a skill at all.
Group hanging electric hoist construction site
1, installation and maintenance, flexible and reliable means to check the limit, when the hook up to the upper limit position, the hook to the roll shell casings interval greater than 50mm.
2, hoist use is prohibited in more than rated load and nominal hourly closing times circumstances.
3, the new installation or after installation by dismantling the hoist to empty commissioning should be carried out several times.
4, in the normal use of static load test should be carried out before, and check whether it is normal.
5, adjusting the amount of electric Wire rope hoist  brake down, they should ensure that the rated load, the amount of braking down.
6, can not be used simultaneously in the opposite direction of the electric hoist movement flashlight door button.
7, when the hook down to the lower limit position, should ensure safety rope on the drum circle, circle must be effective and safe in two laps or more.
8, after the work is required to supply the total gate opened to intercept the power.
As other small electric hoist lifting operations and users, not only to master the techniques used electric  rope hoist  , improve safety and efficiency of use, but also to understand the instructions and specifications, remember not to blindly install and use.

